Thursday 17 March 2016

Emerging | Pure Heart Confession 1

This arrived today as I wanted to make an update on where I am at with my art. A surprise and also a way in ... or out ... depending on how you look at it! 


Does one ever stop emerging? The final emergence being into the final breath?

I keep describing the feeling of coming out, spreading my wings, and yet somehow this is not true, this is not happening... yet. Each time I feel a premature opening of the shell that leaves me still inside to look out through the crack with just one eye, as I find myself debilitated by this winter just passed. Debilitated or simply in the melting and surrender of transformation? Only time will tell.

This winter I have been reminded of the profound lack of self confidence I had growing up and understanding that the undercurrent of this is... not loving myself. I am therefore learning to reunite with this part of me, not disown or cover up and 'just get on with it'. Nothing ever goes away like that. I am learning to become and own my full self in order to see the parts of me that I have, in turn, disowned loving.

I never learned how to love myself, be there for myself. I learned that I was too much - too sensitive, too emotional – I learned to adapt and not show my full shine so others 'might' like me. Essentially I learned to live a lie. This role played out through the years in constant adapting to others expectations of me, not trusting my inner compass, believing others knew what was best for me. I attracted unhealthy relationships with others, with myself and manifested techniques to suppress my emotions to they could hide somewhere in my body. But they found other ways of showing themselves.

So now, I have been visiting these places in order to reclaim them, transform them, so their unconscious ways of being do not haunt me in my present life any longer. To visit the past is not to be stuck in the past. I see it as a voyage of discovery. I take myself on a journey to find keys to unlock new doors, pathways and passages to shine light. And upon return, I feel such new energy come in with the allowing of going in, really in, deep inside. Is it really so much easier to just stay on the outside? Not for me.

Because of this, I see that I have not been creating much art over the past year or so. This is because it has been a real voyage inward. This is how I work. This is the only way for me. This is where I find the gems from which I can create a new.

And so this feels like a letter of confession, of coming out. I am ultra sensitive to all sorts of energies and emotions, I feel everything. I make art, I dance, I sing, I watch each day open and close. I am spiritual – I breathe life. I am joy and I am love. I dive deep with the call of the sirens of the ocean, I burn toast with the flame of my dragon fire. These are my gifts. I speak with my pure heart.

It is from this place that I want to share in my work going forward. From here I can really give something that feels worthwhile, real and authentic.

So this winter, has slowed me down. I have not been very productive at all, but I feel something moving, transformation perhaps. I am changing – I don't know how and who knows what expression this will bring next. I am also learning to not feel guilty for allowing my own natural process which is not in line with conditioned beliefs of work, production and showing results.

And so I thank everyone who has supported the development of my artistic and spiritual practices so far. I feel a new wave arriving, as I look up from the bottom of the ocean to see the light flickering on the surface of the water. I don't know when it will flow will bring me to the shore, soon perhaps. Until then I can only feel what I need to share of my process of creation, and this is indeed part of it.

I have previously talked about how I work with inner and outer landscapes, so I guess this time of melting into spaces within is part of my current research.

Thank you and here's to all the emerging souls in everyone.

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Reach For The Sky And Feel Your Feet

It has been many years in the making and finally I have found a way to combine my artistic life with offering a path of inspiration to others that feels authentic to me. Facilitating creativity that comes from the soul space, getting back in touch with one's true essence and unlocking the doors that lead to happiness, love and joy for life.
From my own journey I have had a lot to unlearn and relearn in order to feel myself into alignment with my 'true' self and my artistic practice has helped facilitate this journey as I explore the relations of inner and outer landscapes in my work. When I realised the word 'spiritual' means 'to breathe life' I was able to step over the dogmas surrounding the word and welcome the essence of my spirituality into my life and start merging it with my art practice, begin showing my 'spiritual' self, simply my self breathing my truth into life.

So, in short, Love Living Love is born as a manifestation of all this, along with the deep desire to share with and facilitate others on their path of re-instincting into their true selves and living in line with the soul presence. This is my wish. So I am happy to welcome this new venture with my partner and look forward to it growing and developing.
We see our offering of Love Living Love as part of the larger movement of awakening that is happening right now. The invitation to live from a space of consciousness and love, starting with ourselves and shining out into life. We achieve this through offerings of courses, books, dance, sharing and other workshops connected to the global movement of awareness and presence.

So join us on Facebook, post to friends and check out what we do and we look forward to seeing you soon ~ Thank you ~  heart emoticoThank you heart emoticon
Visit our website to book us to host your workshops, seminars and courses for you and your group of friends and/or colleagues

Check out what we do and book us ~
Request to get our inspirational new letter mailing list ~

Monday 7 March 2016

Join LLL Facebook Page

As we are now in the process of launching our website along with our workshops and social networks, you can keep up to date with us and our events on our facebook page too. You can also sign up for our inspirational newsletter here on this blog in the left hand column. 

Facebook : ilovelivinglove

Sunday 28 February 2016

Love Hero

'You have to be a hero to say yes to love, the incredible vulnerability of showing yourself to yourself in any relationship, the overwhelming connection and intense process that follows, the ache of a heart melting and opening to all senses and the dying of the old. Yes, it takes a real hero to love.' 



Living LOVE

Living with eyes and heart wide open, ready to live and receive love

It is seeing and practising ways of choosing love over winning or being 'safe'. Loving can than be letting go of old patterns or stepping back from struggle because it is more important for your and possibly others' well being for the heart to stay open.

It is about letting life come to you now, because you have learned to be there for you, what you need and built towards a healthy and aware relationship with yourself. One where you can trust yourself. There is no lack and therefore your eyes can focus on things outside yourself, your environment, relationships, your deep fulfilling life in relation to life. 

Living Love is not a romance, living love is light being attentive, super sensitive and all knowing, caring and playing, accepting when it is time to rest. It is a life long relationship with all in and around you.


LOVE Living

Daily life is touched by your Soul's desires

'Love Living' is all about waking up to your own true life after you have realized that the old doesn't work for you any more. It is creating a full and nurturing life fitting and connected to you and your Soul's path. It is a life that makes your heart jump and gets your juices going. It is building the life that you love to live, one that is worth waking up to, one that makes you come alive and therefore more sensitive for all the beauty and human experiences.

The most important key for building a life that you love is to take responsibility. This is a high spiritual practice. It is saying yes to yourself on a daily basis. Creating and making this life happen for yourself evokes deep self trust and therefore a base to let go of worries and control in life. Result is that you become more aligned in your energy and therefore present and aware.

'Love Living' will open your heart because of the nourishment towards yourself and prepare you for 'Living Love'. Though both ways grow simultaneously, being able to Love your life is a prerequisite for deepening into your Soul's quest, namely the journey of 'Living love'.


Space of Love

This journey of awareness starts existing in the hearts and minds of people, which makes them strengthen this field, making it more real. Love Living Love is becoming a realistic new paradigm, together with all beautiful initiatives all around the world, where we arrive in a space of love, our hearts and therefore create a reality that manifests a healthy happy community of life on our planet and vibrating through the Universe.
